What is the latest on Disaster Recovery and what really works?

September 24, 2010

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning is essential in small, medium or enterprise sized business. Why is that? For one thing, safeguarding your data in the event of disaster can save you time, money, and not to mention your sanity.

Please join us on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 10am Pacific/ 1pm Eastern and learn the essentials of effective Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning.

Register here for more details: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/238483347

DNF Security Announces the Release of the FALCON USS™

September 21, 2010

A few weeks ago, Stonefly announced the new release of the StoneFlex QUSS™ and StoneFlex USS™,  the first series under the Stonefly name that unites the storage and server into one hardware. This time DNF Security is coming forth with their own storage/server variation with the Falcon USS™. The Falcon USS™ is a fully fault tolerant appliance that combines video management software (VMS) and shared video storage for total surveillance consolidation. Coming out in two models, the USS™ 1600wz and 2400wz, it is a powerful appliance that has storage capacities of 48TB and comes with the latest RAID technologies.

For more information about the Falcon USS™ check out their press release for more details.